Taxis near Tunbridge Wells Hospital
Tunbridge Wells Elite taxis are proud Taxi providers of all Tunbridge Wells hospitals.
Tunbridge Wells Hospital nuffield health
Spire Tunbridge Wells Hospital

Traveling from hospital can be very stressful time for most of us, and the journey from the hospital back to their home needs to be as easy and stress less as possible. That’s why we pride ourselves in offering a reliable, courteous and caring Tunbridge Wells hospital taxis service for patients leaving any of the hospitals in the area – a service that allows patients to relax and look forward to arriving home.
We know that it is often the case that you’ll need to return to hospital for some appointments, and we are also able to help you with this. You can book your taxi to hospital in advance, so that your mind is at rest and you know that you won’t miss your appointment. Once again, our drivers will happily help you into the hospital or medical center, before leaving you in the capable hands of one of the staff members.
If you would like to speak with us further about our hospital transfer service, or if you would like to book a taxi, please don’t hesitate to contact us today by calling 01892322422
We have forged relationships with all hospitals in Tunbridge Wells and surrounding areas, and have become known for providing the best taxi service for patients of all types. Our drivers aren’t just trained to drive you from A to B, but to also be attentive to your needs, and to go the extra mile to make the transition from hospital a smooth one. Our drivers will even help you into your home and ensure that you are settled before leaving.

Non-emergency hospital visits
If your reason for going to hospital is not an emergency, you'll normally be expected to make your own way there.
Hospital parking can be expensive and/or limited, and you may not be able to leave your car there overnight. So you may want to try and book your taxi with Tunbridge Wells Elite taxi to take you to hospital and collect you after you've been discharged.
You can search for your local hospital to check its parking facilities.
Non-emergency patient transport services
Some people are eligible for non-emergency patient transport services (PTS). These services provide free transport to and from hospital for:
people whose condition means they need additional medical support during their journey
people who find it difficult to walk
parents or guardians of children who are being transported
PTS may not be available in all areas. To find out if you are eligible for PTS and how to access it, you will need to speak to your GP or the healthcare professional who referred you to hospital.
Refunds of hospital transport costs
You may be able to claim a refund for the cost of your taxi fare to hospital through the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS) if you:
are not eligible for PTS
cannot afford the cost of travelling to hospital
cannot get a friend or relative to take you
Read this page on the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS) for more information on who is eligible, what the conditions are and how you can access the scheme.
Read the answers to more questions about NHS services and treatments.
Copied from NHS site